When you were young, you were probably told that by eating plenty of carrots, you would always have good eyesight. Although there is a grain of truth in that promise, the reality of it is that carrots contain a variety of nutrients that can positively benefit your health in a number of different ways. What many people fail to realize is that carrots and carrot juice can be extremely beneficial for the quality of your skin.

How Can Carrot Juice Make Your Skin Look Better?
Most of us are more apt to go out and spend an enormous amount of money on a commercially produced skincare product than take advantage of the power of Mother Nature. There are a few problems with that, not least of which is that most skincare products contain a variety of chemicals and can cause side effects, especially in those who suffer from acne.
Drinking carrot juice regularly may not be all that evident to those around you, but you will certainly notice a change in your energy levels, your digestion, and the overall quality of your skin. Certainly, drinking fresh juice is always going to be a better option than taking your vitamins in a pill form, and the many nutrients in carrot juice will serve you well for years to come.

How Can Carrot Juice Make Your Skin Look Better?
Raw carrots are obviously very healthy vegetables to eat for a number of different reasons. First of all, they are extremely high in fiber, which will help to fill the stomach, cleanse the digestive system, and suppress the appetite. But, because carrots are rich in a number of nutrients such as potassium, essential oils, and antioxidants, they are also able to help with many different health problems.
When it comes to taking care of your skin, it always helps to have nutrients in their natural form, rather than taking a pill or using a topical treatment that contains a less potent version. By simply drinking carrot juice, you will gain access to nutrients such as vitamins A, vitamin C, carotenoids, potassium, antifungal, and antibacterial substances that are ideal for people who suffer from acne.
What Kind Of Results Should You Expect?
In order to really see the potential carrot juice benefits for your skin, you will want to make sure that you drink a full serving of carrot juice on a regular basis, which usually means every day. Many people experience an almost immediate reduction in inflammation and redness that accompanies acne, and an appearance of skin hydration that they may not have seen in quite some time.
Especially if you have naturally dry or sensitive skin or your skin has had a hard time coping with typical over-the-counter acne products, then the anti-inflammatory properties of carrot juice can help to revitalize and tone up the skin. It is also a natural moisturizer that will help to even out skin tones, reduce the signs of scarring, and even prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
What Is the Best Way To Make Fresh Carrot Juice?

Although you can purchase carrot juice in most grocery stores, because this juice is so high in antioxidants, it is extremely important to get the freshest juice possible. By making your own carrot juice at home, you will be assured that the juice is free from additives, preservatives, or any chemicals, and that it is as fresh and potent as it can possibly be.
Since making carrot juice can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, it is worth purchasing a high quality juicer in order to help you. The Omega VRT350HD juicer is considered to be the premier masticating juicer of its kind, and one that is equally suitable for commercial kitchens or your own kitchen at home.
Is This The Best Juicer For You?
Even though the Omega VRT350HD juicer is certainly not the most affordable juicer, it is one that is designed to stand up to the rigors of a commercial kitchen, meaning that it should last you many years. By making your own juice at home, you will be able to reap the many benefits of carrot juice, knowing that you have the freshest and healthiest juice possible.
3 Carrot Juice Recipes for Better Skin
With respect to all the wonderful skin benefits of carrots, it is not the only vegetable that your skin can benefit from. Pineapple, apples, parsley oranges and lemons are only some of other fruits and vegetables that are also good for your skin. By combining carrots with such ingredients you can create different delicious juices to improve your skin.
Carrot and Orange Juice
- 2 Carrots
- 2 Oranges
- 1 Piece of Ginger ( 1 inch thick)

Carrot and Apple Juice
- 3 Carrots
- 2 Apples
- 1/4 Lemon
- 1 Piece of Ginger ( 1 inch thick)

Green Carrot Juice for Your Skin
- 3 Carrots
- 3 Celery Stalks
- 5 Broccoli Florets

If you liked our article, please share it and use the comment section below for any questions. Thank You!
i love carrot juice its gives all solutions rgarding my heakth
Hi, Sonam!
I’m happy to hear that! Although our article is about carrot juice benefits for skin, it has many other nutritional and health benefits too.
Drinking carrot juice regularly can help to balance the blood acidity and blood sugar, improve eyesight, fight anemia as carrot’s molecules are very beneficial in blood-building, significantly reduce cancer risks, stimulate appetite and improve digestion, reduce the risks of heart diseases and stroke, pectin in carrots lowers the serum cholesterol levels, protect the respiratory system from risks of infection, fight constipation problems (take five parts of carrot juice with one part of spinach juice regularly).
It’s anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other inflammations. It helps supply calcium during pregnancy, improve liver and kidney functions, helps with atherosclerosis, congestion, ulcers, water retention and many other problems. The list is going on:). Even carrot greens/tops can be eaten.
One word of precaution: Because of high content of natural sugar, diabetics should ask their doctors how much carrot juice is recommended in their diet.
I like the carrot juices too. If I’m bit lazy that day, I squeeze carrots and apples and/or oranges only with piece of ginger to boost my energy, otherwise I make more complicated mixes:).
agree with you…tried it first withe blnder however, it think its not fine chop cuz I feel the grain like carrot. Juicer is more effective. I just made a research in case juicing can cure illnessses like diabetes.. I read possibly can because of nutrients from it, and ability to rebalance the body to function our body because of pollution, high acidity in our body. You can check the link in case you got curious
Hey Sharlett!
Thank you for sharing with us this source.
We agree that juicers are more effective. Although, some blenders work very well. We believe juicing can help many illnesses, like diabetes, when used appropriately. We will not claim that it will help cure any illness because there is no research showing that. Today, people eat a very poor diet and juicing can help add a lot of vitamins and minerals to a person’s diet they would normally not get. Also, by juicing, we can consume lots of vegetables and fruits that we won’t eat raw because of taste, appearance, etc., but those have lots of essential vitamins and minerals for your body. It’s few of the main reasons we like promoting juicing and how we can help fight a lot of problems we see today.
Thank you!
and blending really helps me to consume veggies faster, conveniently
I use a blendtec then I strain it with a bigger strainer, Then I use a smaller mesh strainer to get the fine grains/fiber out and it works perfectly!! and is way easier to clean than a juicer!
Thank you, Karli, for sharing your experiences!
hi…i am saranya..wether by drinking carrot juice daily at once improves our skin colour….?and if it fair our skin..how many carrot shall v have per day and after how many months v will get better result….?
Hello, Saranya!
Drinking carrot juice regularly, say once a day or less, can really help give you skin that glows. It’s better to start off by making up fresh carrot juice just couple times a week (1 serving) at most for the first weeks. Using about 3 large carrots will result in about 8 oz. of carrot juice, which is about 1 serving. Go slow and gradually build up on the volume as you learn to listen to your body responses.
Carrots are rich in pro-vitamin A beta carotene and alpha carotene. Too much beta carotene may give your skin an orange hue. Drinking more than 3 cups of carrot juice in a 24-hour period, over a prolonged period of time may be enough to cause the condition. This shows how effective carrot juice is at cleansing–a good sign that the system is getting a good clean-up. When this “turning orange” happens, continue to take your carrot juice and the color will eventually go off as it cleanses.
Dr. John Christopher, master herbalist and N.D, has a very clear explanation for this condition. “This is not carotene coming through the skin, it is bile. The bile starts to free itself so rapidly, the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin can’t handle it fast enough so it takes the skin as the fastest way out. The bile comes through the skin, causing a orange-yellow condition.”
There are many carrot juice benefits for skin. Carrot juice acts as a vitamin supplement for your skin. It contains so many healthy nutrients that it can reduce skin related problems like eczema which is caused by deficiency of vitamin A, dermatitis and rashes. Since it is high in essential oils, it also helps prevent acne by detoxifying your body.
The beta-carotenoid when entering the body changes into vitamin A and reduces cell degeneration and thus slows down the aging of the body. It largely improves the amount of collagen in the skin and thus helps in maintaining elasticity and hence reducing the visible signs of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles. The beta-carotenoids which help in photosynthesis in plants, help reduce sunburn and also increase the skin’s resistance towards sun damage.
Don’t overdo drinking the carrot juice as it is high in natural sugars which will spike insulin. The best is to combine carrots with other greens or vegetables to gain many more benefits.
Hope it helps. Thank you!
Drinking plain carrot juice is beneficial for health ? I mean daily early mornin empty stomach !? And what are the benefits ? Please tell
Hi Pooja,
Thank you for your question. Carrot juice is extremely beneficial. It contains vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, iron and other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Among the health benefits of drinking fresh carrot juice you will find :
1. Improves Vision
2. Good for the bones
3. Good for the skin
4. Good for hair
5. Good for the teeth
6. Good for the immune system
7. Detoxes the Liver
8. Lowers stomach acidity
9. Fights aging
10. Relieves stress
11. Reduces harmful cholesterol levels
12. Improves digestion
13. Has anticancer properties
Drinking fresh carrot juice in mornings is great. It is recommended to drink it about half an hour before a meal. It is best however to add some kind of fat (olive oil/ sour cream ) when drinking it to promote the absorption of beta carotene. Like anything in life , it is good to drink carrot juice in moderation. Overdoing it can be too heavy on the liver and cause you weakness, headaches and vomiting. A glass of carrot juice (8 oz.) a day is enough for most of us. A good sign of knowing that you are drinking too much carrot juice is when your skin starts having a yellowish tint.
Hope it helps and that you enjoy drinking your carrot juice.
I’ve got loss some hairs on my corners of forehead
Carrot juice is help to growth them again..?
Siva Hi,
Thank you for your question. Carrots are known to be beneficial for hair growth. Eating carrots and drinking carrot juice can have a major impact on the strength of the hair and hair growth speed. Carrots affect blood flow, the production of sebum and stimulate hair growth. Carrots also help in improving the texture of the hair , make it thicker and prevent the hair from breaking. I believe that incorporating carrot juice into your everyday lifestyle will have a positive affect on your hair as well.
If i drink carrot juice in the morning weight will reduce ? I want to increase My weight so…
Reshma Hi,
Carrots are very nutritious and have low amount of calories and fat. Carrot juice detoxifies the liver which helps prevent obesity. Drinking carrot juice in the morning can contribute to weight loss. Carrots offer many health benefits. Weight loss is one of them but they are more known for improving eyesight, skin and hair. Grapefruit juice is another example of fresh juice that can have a tremendous effect on weight loss. I also have a post about juices that are especially good for weight loss: You can read it here. Thank you for your question. Hope some of the recipes/tips on this website will help you achieve the desired results.
Can carrot juice cure hyperthyroidism
Eating a balanced diet rich in anti inflammatory, high in antioxidants foods plays an important role in controlling hyperthyroidism. Foods that contain chlorogenic and caffeic acids are known to have anti thyroidal properties. Among those foods you will find: Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussels Spouts and more. Fighting hyperthyroidism is not among the top health benefits carrots are known for, but since those also contain some amount of chlorogenic acid they might have a positive effect on this disorder. Dr. Wilson mentions carrot juice as one of the home remedies for hyperthyroidism in her interview there. Hope it helps.
Can i drink carrot juice by mixing beetroot and tomato
Hi Kalpana,
Carrot-tomato-beetroot juice is actually a great combination. It is delicious and extremely healthy as well. The juice you will get will be full of anti-oxidants. Beetroots reduce blood pressure, have positive effect on our mental state , known to be great for the skin and offer lots of other health benefits. You can read about those here. Tomatoes have tons of health benefits as well . Some of them: good for digestion, strengthen the immune system , good for hair and skin. I would make the juice by using the following proportions: 1/2 beetroot, 2 tomatoes, 2 carrots.
Last winter I drank carrot juice for like 2-3 months and believe me everybody around me would ask what have you applies on your face because its glowing and then I used to tell them its the carrot juice. It has also hepled me improve my eyesight.. I had 0.75 farsightedness in the left eye but after drinking carrot juice my eyesight is back to perfect.. I am so impressed by the results..
Rohit Hi,
Thank you so much for this comment. Carrot juice is so healthy and delicious. I am sure it will be inspiring to many of our readers to know you have experienced such amazing results when drinking it.
r u drinking it daily or weekly twice
Hello. I am only 19 years old and I have dark circles under my eyes. They are not so bad but I have blue vein showing under my left eye. I think it is caused by vitamin deficiency. Is it possible to cure dark circles under eyes by drinking carrot juice? Thanks 🙂
Kristina Hi,
Thank you for this question. Dark circles under the eyes are often considered a sign of tiredness or lack of sleep. But actually, there are different reasons that can cause dark skin discoloration under the eyes. Dehydration and poor diet are very common reasons for dark circles. Other reasons include stress, allergies, anemia, liver disease, hyperpigmentation, alcohol consumption, smoking, too much time at the sun and more.
Drinking lots of water and making sure you have a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, is an important step to getting rid of the dark rings under your eyes. Drinking fresh juices can definitely contribute to your diet being more nutritious. It will also help dehydrate your body. There are actually lots of home remedies that might help with dark circles and carrot juice is one of them. Carrot juice contains lots of vitamins and antioxidants. It is rich in beta-carotene (that transforms to vitamin A), vitamin C and vitamin K. Carrot juice is also a good source of vitamin E and B vitamins. Vitamin C, K and E are known to be beneficial in fighting dark circles.
I hope this helps and that you will soon get rid of the dark circles under your eyes.
Hi Kristina. I always had dark circles under my eyes, even as a child. I grew up hearing rude remarks about ” who gave you the black eye?” When I was about 30 I went to a plastic surgeon and he removed a very small amount of fat below my lower eyelids. This was life changing for me. Never again has someone ask me about having a black eye. I never noticed that the fat was there. I am glad that I did the in office surgery. I wish you luck.
how much is enough?i drink 250ML of carrot daily is too much?suggest me how much is enough iam 33 years male and iam taking to improve my eyesight.
Thanks 🙂
Ashwani Hi,
Carrot juice is very rich in beta-carotene antioxidant that our body converts into vitamin A. If you are vitamin A deficient, drinking carrot juice will most likely have a positive impact on your eyesight. Since our body regulates the conversion of carotenoids that come from vegetables to vitamin A, there is no real danger in consumption of too many carrots. In theory, our body will only convert carotenoids to vitamin A if our system requires it. If you drink too much carrot juice or consume too many carrots, in general, you may notice your skin starting to have a yellowish or orange tone. This condition is called Carotenemia. This is a reversible and not dangerous condition. If that happens, then just lower your carrot consumption and your skin color will soon be back to normal.
Hope it helps.
Thanks Dima for answering and it definitely helps 🙂
Hii…i just wanted to know that I going to start carrot juice.Would you please tell me that 1glass is enough to get glowing & pinkish skin within a month..??
Hi, Anchal!
I’m glad you asked this question.
Carrot juice is wonderful and can give you many nutrients that help your body. It will definitely give you improvements. There is no better way to get nutrients into your body than from the natural sources. There are thousands of other phytonutrients in carrots you just can’t get out of a bottle.
However, be careful! Carrot juice in an otherwise unhealthy diet isn’t going to give you good skin or good digestion. Your body doesn’t work that way. In fact, it could cause constipation and other bad effects. If you drink too much, you could have a condition called carotenemia, where your skin actually starts to turn orange from the excess. While not harmful in most people, it can take months to clear out and may cause other problems.
When you modify your diet to include many other fruits and vegetables and work to eliminate chemicals and excess sugars, you will see results very fast. To be on the safe side, you can stick to 1 serving of carrots per day, not 1 glass. This way, you obtain all the health benefits and avoid the risk of turning your skin orange.
how long time beetroot and carrot juice show result on my skin?
Hi Misbah!
It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to see results from using carrot and beet juice.
However, we want to make you aware of some additional info.
If you use these, limit your servings to 1 per day. Otherwise, you could cause a yellow or orange hue to your skin that takes months to fade away. So, don’t overdo it.
Also, if the rest of your diet isn’t healthy, you won’t see results at all. A healthy diet is mostly fruits and vegetables, with just a little bit of meat.
Finally, be sure to drink plenty of water. Hydration is the best way to get better skin.
Is carrot juice is good for oily skin,,,,,,and acne n blemish skin,,,plz reply me,,,,
Hi Arun.
I’m glad you asked this question.
Yes, carrots are good for oily skin.
Basically, an overproduction of oil is compensation for a perceived dry skin. Carrots help hydrate your skin, which will reduce oils. This can reduce pimples.
It’s not an instantaneous process and you can’t just drink 1 glass and expect results. One serving of carrots per day for at least a month is required to start seeing changes, although many people see results in as little as 3 days.
We also recommend making sure you are washing well with a natural soap, but not too much. If you remove the oils, your skin will produce more. Remove not enough and your skin gets dirty.
I saw results in just few days. Carrot and beet-root juice is an amazing boost to your skin health. I do get some nausea, but still I drink it.
Hi, Jonah!
Great news! I’m very happy it helps you! Thank you.
I don’t have juicer in my home so can I eat carrot
Hey, Simran Pasha!
Of course, you can :)! I also not every time make juices. Sometimes I want something different. So I prepare a big plate with various vegetables cut into small pieces which serve me greatly. Juicing is the fast way to get much more vitamins and minerals than eating all these vegetables. Sometimes you can add a very healthy fruit or vegetable into your juicer that you wouldn’t like to eat without a juicing.
hi im deepak the juice of carrot can cure blackheads and spots of pimpal??and if yes .how many times i shud drink in a day
Hi Deepak!
I’m glad you asked.
Blackheads and pimples have many causes.
Washing is one of the biggest factors. Not enough and your skin stays too oily and dirty. Too much and your skin dries out. Too much washing can also disrupt the natural protective bacteria on your skin. These bacteria help stop the bad bacteria from creating pimples. So, we recommend cleansing enough to keep clean, but not so much that you dry out your face. Also, use a natural soap without chemicals.
Various foods can help or harm pimple production. Carrots, and the vitamin A they provide, greatly help your skin and reduce pimples. The carrots help reduce dehydration and inflammation. This helps tone the skin and provide a healthier environment.
If you have dry skin (which means you want to wash a little less to keep what hydration you have), the carrot juice will help increase vascular flow of moisture to the upper levels of your skin. Better hydration means your skin looks good and fights blemishes.
You want to stick to 1 serving of carrots per day. This is about 1 cup (Imperial) or 250 ml/130g (SI).
We don’t recommend using more than this. First, you’ll displace other nutrients that are just as important to healthy skin. A balance of healthy nutrients is key to keeping your body health.
Second, there is a condition known as carotenemia that turns your skin orange. It comes from an excessive intake of vitamin A, which carrots are very high in. It takes months to reverse the condition, although it is considered benign. It is a very unflattering color, putting pimples to shame. On the other hand, if your skin is orange, you won’t notice the pimples.
Hope it helps!
Hope i
I am drinking carrot juice everyday made of 2 carrots, once in a day, 5 days a week. Is it too much?
Hi Manjula.
I’m glad you were so specific with your description.
We do not believe this is too much. Of course, this also depends on the carrot. One standard carrot is about ½ to 2/3 of a serving. Having 2 carrots per day is slightly more than one serving, but we don’t feel you will experience negative side effects.
You are also doing your body a great favor by taking 2 days off a week. This gives your body a chance to rest and use the nutrients it has stored up.
We feel you are doing well. How does your skin look? How do you feel? This is a good indication of how the carrots are working for you.
One other way you can improve on your drink is to switch up the carrots with other high nutrient orange foods. Butternut squash and sweet potatoes are both similar to the nutrition of carrot. But since your body is not used to them, you’ll absorb more of the good stuff.
Thank you for your question and hope I could help.
Carrot juice is a concentrated source of vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin C and other phytochemicals. It is also a surprising source of iron, and because it also contains vitamin C the iron has increased absorbability
Agree with you. Thank you for mention it here.
In case my skin turned to orange colour after drinking carrots juice so what is the remedy for it?
Ricky Hi,
Thank you for your question.
Getting an orange or yellowish tint on your skin after consuming too many carrots is a condition called carotenemia. It is not harmful and the simplest way to get rid of it is to eat less of them. After a while of not consuming so many carrots, your skin will gradually turn to its original color.
To avoid this condition in the first place, it is best to limit your consumption to one serving of carrots per day (one 250ml glass of juice).
Hope it helps!
What if I eat carrots on daily basis instead of having Juice? Will i be able have same benefits for body?
Hi Monu.
I’ve been waiting for this question, so thank you for asking it.
You can most certainly eat all the carrots and get all the benefits. You just need to make sure you are chewing all your foods well to extract the nutrients.
But, here’s the big issue. That’s still a lot of carrots and you’ll get full eating them. You may also get tired of carrots eating all the time. Otherwise, don’t worry: it’s very hard to eat so many carrots as to get sick or have a reaction.
Juicing the carrots makes getting in the carrots easier. You can also combine the carrots with other highly nutritious foods to make a larger drink and get even more nutrition.
You can eat them and get all the benefits and nutrition. It’s easier to juice the carrots and get the nutrients. If you don’t have a juicer yet, it’s much healthier to start off eating the carrots, then move to juicing.
It’s even better to keep things in rotation. Have carrots for dinner one night, juice the next day. Then, have carrots as a snack and juice the next 2 days. This way, you’ll still enjoy your carrots, get all the health benefits, and be healthy.
YES. This is true, I had been drinking carrot juice every morning for the last 3 months and most of my health woes have been fixed by now. I had been suffering from an acute case of hair loss which no treatment could get back to track,but lately my hairfall reduced dramatically and I now know why! And then, being way past my teen years couldn’t rid me of my pimples and acne scars. Drinking water by the gallons didn’t help for years, and then carrot happened. Now I have gotten my baby glow back 😀 Oh also, I was facing some fertility issues as well, but carrots happened again! So much treated for so less. So many of us have been grossly underestimating the benefits of carrot and spending pointlesslessly over nothing. For so long.
Hello, Anoo!
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences here! I’m very happy that carrots have helped you to solve those problems. It’s much better, cost effective and natural way than trying different kind of medications and treatments for sure.
My skin is brown and there is suntan.. having carrot and beetroot juice everyday in a regular basis helps to remove suntan from my body???
I hate juice…can u eat raw carrots..
Hey Fatima!
I’m glad you asked.
Yes, you can eat raw carrots.
Food was first meant to be eaten raw and juicing came later. People juice because they often don’t like eating food raw.
Since you don’t like juice, we recommend you eat your vegetables! Whether raw or cooked, they are healthy for you.
I feel like I can put the skin to good use…smoothie? soup? cake? But instead, I just throw it away. What do you think?
Hey Josie!
I’m glad you asked.
I’m taking it that you mean the skins of fruits and vegetables, not your skin!
Yes, the skin of fruits and vegetables are very healthy, contain lots of fibers, and, in many cases, contain many of the vitamins and nutrients.
There are a few options you have. First, we recommend eating the skins when you eat the food. Combining it all is the proper way to eat. If you think the skins are too hard or chewy, there are thousands of articles that will teach you cooking techniques that will make them delicious.
If you really don’t want to eat them, you can add them to smoothies and juices. You won’t get as much out of them as you would just eating them, but it is an option.
Finally, we recommend making stock. A stock is the liquid portion of a soup that is made mostly out of the scraps of other foods. Today, bid companies use whole vegetables (or chemicals) to make stocks. But, in the old times and with people who prefer healthy foods, you can take the skins of vegetables and toss them in a pot, cover with water, and simmer for a few hours. Then strain! You can use it right away or freeze for later.
You can use onion, garlic, squashes, fruits, potato, herb stalks, and any other scrap. Earlier this winter, I made a beef stock with beef bones, onion skins, garlic scapes, sweet potato skins, and the leftover parsley, thyme, and rosemary stalks from my dried herbs. It came out very tasty.
Drinking carrot juice everyday helps to remove suntan from body??? If so, for how many days I ve to drink??
Please provide me with an update on carrot juice for suntan remove
Hey, Suresh!
I’m glad you asked!
A suntan is an increase in the melatonin in your skin in response to exposure to the sun. This is a perfectly normal and healthy response to sun exposure. Fair skinned people usually turn redder, while darker skinned people turn more tan to brown.
Once your skin has tanned, the only way to remove the tan is to shed the skin that contains the excess melatonin. It can take several weeks to months depending on the depth of tanning.
Unfortunately, neither beet juice nor carrot juice will help change the color of your skin (unless it’s the unhealthy staining from drinking too much and we’re sure you don’t want to be orange or purple).
What the carrot and beet juice will help you with is keeping your skin soft and supple. Exposure to the sun can also dry out your skin. The juice will help you rehydrate.
We don’t recommend drinking more than one serving of beets or one serving of carrots each day. Both are very high in sugars and drinking too much will place a strain on your pancreas. This could lead to diabetes or energy issues.
Benefits of drinking carrot juice at evening and it is reduced scar on my face skin
Hello, Shrini!
So happy for you! Take care!
I’m trying to increase my pale skin to whitening so I’m drinking carrot juice at morning and at night I’m drinking beet juice. Is it good to drink in this the juice and can you please inform me how many days will it take to increase the fairness. The last question is it carrot and beet juice is good to mix and drink at morning
Hi Faza!
I’m not entirely sure what you are asking for.
Carrot juice, or any juice, will not change the color of your skin. What it does is help to make your skin more hydrated and nourished so it can be healthy and radiant. It will allow you to be beautiful with your natural skin.
We don’t know of any healthy way to change the color of your skin. We recommend accepting yourself as you are. If you are truly set on the color change, visit an experienced dermatologist.
The one issue you may run into if you drink too much of any juice is having the nutrients deposit into your skin and create false color. Orange for carrots, red/purple for beets, or even green for too many green leafy vegetables. Keep your diet varied in order to avoid this problem.
I’ve learned a lot from all you guys. I can’t wait to try it. Carrot and orang juice. I’m black, will people see any change in my skin?
Hi Priscilla!
Thanks for asking.
The color of our skin makes no difference in texture, feel, or how well we radiate health. If you have good skin, people will notice.
As your skin becomes healthier, it will become firmer, radiate it’s natural color better (some people call this brighter, but it has nothing to do with color, only shine), and stronger. You will be able to feel the difference as your skin becomes smoother and healthier. People notice healthy skin.
What you will have to pay attention to more is the effect of Carotenemia. This is where the skin takes on an orange hue when you have too much vitamin A. As a black woman, you will need to look harder to see any change. If you stick to the 1 serving per day, this is usually not an issue.
Thanks for your response, please tell me which is the best juice and best food or lightening our skin n removing suntan from our body. Thanks
How to drink carrot juice in a day and say procedures for carrot juice amd how to.make fresh carrot juice
Hi Srini!
I’m glad you found our website and joined the conversations.
There are many places online and within this website that will help you to make your own carrot juice. We have a large section on juicers, along with the recipes. We recommend you check it out.
As for how to drink your carrot juice, we enjoy it plain. Of course, you can spice it up with various herbs and spices, like cinnamon and ginger. You can freeze it for a frozen treat. You can mix it with yogurt and chill for a smooth snack.
Please explore the website and you’ll find all your questions answered and more.
i have stone in my kidney can i use beetroot with carrot juice
Hi Ali! I’m glad you asked.
When you have kidney stones, you need to talk with your doctor to figure out what caused them, if they are doing any damage, and the best way to prevent future ones. Having stones can quickly become a serious medical condition.
Since we don’t know what causes them in you, we really can’t say if beet juice or carrot juice will help or not. In most cases, it will help because it provides many nutrients that encourage the body to flush out toxins.
However, beets are high in oxalates, which encourage the formation of oxalate stones, one of the more common types of kidney stones. Doctors recommend avoiding beets to avoid forming stones.
Carrots, on the other hand, are recommended because the carotenoids help break down the kidney stones and help prevent new ones. Just remember, the carotenoids are a fat soluble vitamin, so you need an appropriate level of fat to absorb the healing vitamins that you drink the carrot juice for.
I’m a girl of dark skin. Will this carrotjuice help.me to get a fairer skin???
For how many days/months should i drink this??
Hi Diya! I’m glad you asked.
The color of a person’s skin is determined by genetics. While our skin may darken or lighten as we age, it can also change due to long-term exposures to the sun or harsh weather. Certain chemical treatments may also change the tone of the skin. We don’t recommend using chemicals to change your skin.
We replace our skin frequently, and continuously. Anything you do to change your skin so drastically would need to be done with the same depth and irritation as a tattoo or deep sunburn over your whole body. It’s not something we recommend.
Carrot juice will not give you fairer colored skin. It will help give you great skin tone, which will make you look healthier and happier. But don’t go overboard. Too much carrot juice could stain your skin orange, which is unattractive. It takes months to eliminate the discoloration.
I have severe ulcerative colitis. Was given high doses of prednisone for months and it was not alleviating my symptoms. Started drinking carrot juice four times/day and within 3 weeks I was symptom free. Incredible! I take no medications at all now. I continue to drink carrot juice once a day for maintenance and increase it if I have any digestive issues. Wonderful! Wish all patients with IBD could know about this.
Hey Donna! We’re so happy for you!
Many people who suffer from digestive issues find their symptoms going away when they focus on a diet that is nearly pure vegetables. That’s because vegetables are high in nutrients and low in irritating factors.
While so much carrot juice helped you, we don’t recommend it for everyone. There are serious medical conditions that could come from drinking so much of just one type of vegetable. We would recommend juicing multiple types of vegetables to get a balance of nutrients and flavors.
Still, great job on getting healthy and thanks for sharing your story!
Will drinking carrot juice once a day hel reduce acne marks ? Will it close some of the acne pores ? If so, how , much time will it take ?
Pls reply me
I’m suffering from acne since years.
Hi Aishwarya!
Many people feel this way and experience what you are.
As you drink the carrot juice, your skin will improve and grow healthier. You will see the marks fade over time, perhaps months to years. The marks will fade, but not quickly. You need to heal from the inside out. Fortunately, it will happen.
The carrot juice should also help reduce the amounts of acne you still get. As part of a diet that’s rich in vegetables and devoid of processed foods, you’ll see a big difference.
Just remember, more is not better. Too much juice and your skin may take on an orange tinge from the excess carotenoids in the juice.
only want to see q & a
You’re welcome, CAT!
Can carrot juice heal the damaged skin due to over scrubbing
Hey, Saurabh!
Here’s what we think:
Over-scrubbing causes damage to your skin. How well carrot juice will help is determined on how deep the damage went.
If the over-scrubbing is superficial, all you need to do is wait for the damaged skin to be naturally shed. This can take a few weeks. Drinking carrot juice will help the new skin be healthy and radiant.
If you damaged the layers of skin that actually grow the new skin, you’ll be waiting longer. Still, over time, the damage will disappear. Carrot juice, in this case, will help the new skin be healthier and radiant, just like before. The healthier the skin looks, the less the damage will stick around.
What carrot juice won’t do is give instant healing. You need to wait for the skin to heal and be replaced. Fortunately, the carrot juice will help you look better once the new skin emerges.
hi i have a black african skin can drinking carrots smoothies makes my skin more darker i drink 3 liters of carrots smothies everday please can you reply back to me as quickly as possible
Hey, Johnson!
I’m glad you asked us.
Please stop drinking so much carrot juice. This simply isn’t healthy. We recommend 1 serving, which is about 8 oz (250ml), or 1/12th of what you are drinking.
There are several reasons of this. First, drinking that much of one vegetable will push out the rest. You need a well-rounded mix of different vegetables to be healthy.
Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. Specifically the beta-carotene in high doses can cause blindness, heart problems, and liver failure. This is especially true in people of African descent.
You can actually start to turn your skin orange by drinking too much of the carrot juice. It can take months to years to remove the stain.
Carrot juice, in moderate quantities, can help condition your skin so that it is healthy, firm, and resistant to pollution and damage. It will not darken or lighten your skin, we’re sorry to say.
One of the only safe and healthy ways to darken skin is moderate amounts of the sun so that the melatonin in your skin darkens. This requires many days in the sun and consistency. But, it also runs the risk of increasing your chances of skin cancer.
So, please moderate your intake of carrot juice and start to mix it up. This will make your natural skin healthier.
Iam 22 years old male below neck skin color is better face only showing dark color how to rectify kindly tell advice
Hey, Sathish!
Did you mean you were drinking the juice and your skin turned a darker color? Or that you have darker colored skin and you wish to lighten it?
If you were drinking the juice and your skin turned a darker color, or turned any color at all, then you may be experiencing a condition called carotenosis. It comes from overconsuming lycopenes, a component that is found in abundance in carrots. We recommend you visit the doctor and stop eating and drinking all yellow and orange foods for a short time.
If you have darker skin and wish to lighten it, then we have to disappoint you. While the carrot juice is great for making your skin smooth and healthy, it won’t change the color (except to orange). It may help to reduce sun damage, which can lighten you skin a small degree as the damage is healed.
As far as we are aware, there is no natural way to change the color of your skin. The process is damaging and must be done with a dermatologist.
Is the carrot juice work on before going to sleep?? Is it works?
Hey Sindhu!
Thanks for asking.
We don’t recommend using carrot juice, or any type of juice, right before you go to sleep.
While it will work because your body is getting the nutrition, you run the risk of disrupting your sleep because of the additional sugars.
We recommend using the juice early in the day so you get all the benefits of the nutrition and not have the sugars disrupt your sleep.
Dear Dima,
I love your response and Juila too.
I am starting carriot juice from today and I want to make it my daily drink , please tell me normal drinkkng quantity 50ml, 100ml, 150ml.. and Juila said use one carriot in her response is it fine if I mix one carriot with two oranges and make mixer and drink daily.
Many thanks and best wishes????
Thank Yasir!
We appreciate the compliment.
It’s hard to say exactly what the exact quantity of juice will come from 1 carrot. That depends on your juicer and the carrot. In general, 1 serving is about 250g of whole carrot.
Local carrots will have a denser nutrient content. Carrots that have to be shipped in from any distance will have a greater sugar content. Carrots that are also shipped in will have a lower water content. But you don’t have to worry about the exact water content or an exact weight.
When you make your juice, choose a nice healthy carrot that weighs approximately 250 milligrams. It will give you lots of nutrition without running the risk of turning your skin orange. If you go beyond that on a regular basis, you risk a condition called carotenemia, which turns your skin orange.
I am 30 years old but I am very thin. My skin completion is blak.
May I take carrot juice everyday?
Hi Suparna!
Thank you for your question.
Unless you are allergic to carrots, carrot juice just might be highly beneficial to you.
Carrots are higher in sugar and very high in nutrition. This might be able to help add some bulk to your body. And when we say bulk, we mean healthy muscle.
As for your complexion, carrots won’t change the color but will improve the quality and texture of your skin. You will look more healthy as you use the carrots.
Just remember, stick to the one serving a day. Because your skin complexion is black, it will be harder to see any side effect of taking too much carrot.
Hi I would like to know till I decide to buy a juice is eating celery or carrat just as beneficial as drinking it
Hey Dina!
All foods are best in their natural state, and will provide many different types of nutrients and health benefits.
Juicing provides an easy way to get in fruits and vegetables that many people find fun and palatable.
As we have recommended in many other articles, juicing is part of a whole diet that includes many fruits and vegetables.
We recommend trying as many as possible, so when you do get your juicer, you’ll be able to combine different fruits and vegetables and many interesting and unique ways.
Can I start carrot juice in summer season? I face hair fall problem , can I drink carrot & tomato juice for stop hair fall & growth again ?
Hey Santosh!
You can use carrots any time of the year.
What we do recommend is to start off slowly.
Work your way up from half a serving to one serving of carrot juice per day.
Do not exceed the one serving or you could face condition that causes your skin to turn orange.
And in order to best help proper hair growth be sure to rotate your juices to get as much nutrition as possible.
Hi! My 21 year old son was on accutane last year which cleared up the acnea and just recently finished a series of PDL treatments to help alleviate some of the scarring ( which didn’t help much). He has been for some time now experiencing flushing on his face which causes it to become very red. Do you believe that the carrot juice can help to get rid of the flushing and redness? It’s really taking a toll on him. I appreciate any advice.
Hey Jackie!
Thank you for your question.
We don’t know if carrot juice will help get rid of the flushing and redness, but we do know that carrot juice will help increase his nutrition and improve skin quality.
It’s possible that the treatments he was on have cause problems with the flushing and until his body removes all traces of the medications, this will continue.
We do recommend talking to a doctor just to make sure it’s nothing serious.
This is so educative. Learnt a lot. Do you have any article on how to make carrot oil
Hi, Faith!
Thank you so much for the compliment! You’re welcome! Primarily we focus on juicing and benefits of vegetables and fruits at iFocusHealth, but you gave a great idea to expand to natural oils too. I’ve made a note to consider and publishing an article in the future. Thank you!
Great article, i love carrot juice
Hey, Mark!
Thank you for the compliment. I love to drink carrot juice too, even without any additional fruits and vegetables. It’s very healthy.
Hi, Am drinking carrot juice regularly and at the weekends i usually take alcohol to enjoy the day. Will alcohol spoil the carrot juice benefits?
Hi Siva,
I’m glad you asked this.
All alcohol is detrimental to the system and counteracts any healthy addition to your diet. This includes carrot juice.
Fortunately, drinking the carrot juice and other healthy juices helps repair the damage, but the damage is still being done by the alcohol.
While many of us enjoy alcohol on a recreational basis, we do not recommend indulging to the point of intoxication or binge drinking.
Thank you for all the good information.
Will carrot juice reverse or reduce sun damage such as sagging skin around chin that many women seem to get after years of sun?
Hi Candy,
Thanks for the compliment.
The juice will help improve your skin quality and texture.
It may even help the sagging of your skin. We can’t guarantee it because the nutrition from the carrots will go where it’s most needed within your body.
If you have organ damage, the nutrition will help those organs heal first. Fortunately, as you repair your inner body, your outer body becomes more beautiful and healthy.
Is carrot juice can help to cure hypothyroidism
Hey, Winz!
We’re glad you asked this question.
Carrot juice alone cannot help cure hypothyroidism, however, it can help add a lot of healthy nutrients to your body that reduces the damage, takes the stress off of other organs, and can help promote healthy hormone production.
As part of a healthy diet that focuses a lot on vegetables, carrots can play an important part in making you feel healthy and having your body respond closer to normal.
my skin tone very black while daily using carrot improve my color? curently im using badam and banana ,please help me wat is choose get better result?
thanks in advance
Hey Salam!
This is a hard question to answer.
Using carrot juice daily will help improve the quality, the softness, and the health of your skin.
If you drink too much carrot juice, you may get the orange tinge to your skin, but you may not notice it with a dark color.
The juice will not change the color of your skin.
All colors of skin can be beautiful when it is healthy and radiant.
Will it really reduce dark circles completely if we consume carrot juice daily in empty stomach?
Reply me…
Hey Shaluprakash!
This is a good question. We know from experience that using carrot juice can help improve your skin tone and reduce dark circles under your eyes. It’s not necessarily essential to drink the carrot juice on an empty stomach. Some people experience nausea. What are you take the carrot juice on an empty stomach or with food, the important thing is to get it in every day. Also, do not go over 8 ounces per day, or you may have a skin problem.
Organic carrots with organic beets makes for awesome juice
Hey William!
We have to totally agree with you here. They’re both extremely powerful and extremely nutritious.